Sicily Region press office, “three balls” are needed, two are not enough

Pubblicato il 29 Aprile 2019

di Iena English Man

It is not enough to have passed a professional exam, sactioned by journalists guild. It is not enough to be registered on the professional list. It is not enough to have earned a degree, for example in sciences of communication.

To become a press officer in the Sicily Region you need to be a Super Journalist. Perhaps to fill the “mediocrity” of the political class!

It is therefore necessary to know the constitutional and administrative law, the legal system of the Sicilian Region, the criminal law governing information, and then the use of social media and the communication and information rules of public administrations. 

Then, during the oral interview it will be necessary to demonstrate that you can speak English, at a very advanced C1 proficiency level, to be an “advanced user” of information technology system, to be familiar with the privacy laws, the anti-corruption legislation, the public employment relationship regulations and, finally, you need to master the ethical code of the regional public administration and the deontological code of journalists. 

To sum up: the president, councilors and deputies may not know a freaking thing, starting from the English language, but journalists, to draft press releases to be sent to the Sicilian people or in a few cases to the national press, must be almost some kind of superheroes.

In short: good, capable and “two-ball” journalists are not fit for the job. The Sicily Region needs journalists with at least “three balls”. Journalists who have these characteristics will be able to draw up press releases that will magically transform foolishness into grandiosity, modest politicians into great statesmen, and a regional district that declines day after day in all sectors of human activities, into a model region.

They will also be able to enthuse the BBC or the CNN and re-launch the image of a regional government that would otherwise be remembered as the worst in the last ten years. Give me a break!

Dear President Musumeci, do you know English? Do you have a C1 level? Do you know about constitutional and administrative law? And what about your advisors? For the sake of consistency, dear Musumeci, pass a bill that will demand all of these requirements to be fulfilled by those who run for regional political offices. But consistency, even for you, went to…


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